Pirateball (with a twist)

Pirateball is my go to filler game when we are between units and I need a day to simply get the kids moving. Every student has role to play on their team and it's okay for the less inactive students to be defenders because they are forced to move to pull the flags of the intruders. If you need to get some students more active...Limit the number of flag belts on a team. Students with belts MUST be retrievers, only students without belts may stay in the quadrant to defend. Then force them to switch who has belts each round.

I also vary the objective to keep the students interested. One of the downsides to this game is the students who cheat (take more than one ball, roll their flags, etc). I do take participation points off of students grades when they do not follow the rules of the game because it's part of my daily expectation. But I also have found that a short time in the "penalty box" also helps to redirect and correct the behavior.

Today, I wanted to keep reinforcing the muscles and functions we've been learning. So I simply taped the name of the muscles and the different functions on the dodgeballs. I had five muscles and their functions and made two sets of each, so 20 dodgeballs in all.

The objective for the first round was to get two matches (muscle and its function equal a match). The objective of the second game was get all five muscles. The objective of the third game was for them to report each time they got a match to me for a point.

The link to original rules of Pirateball:


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